Invest in Agriculture Sector
Opportunities Overview
- Meat Processing Operation
- Abattoir and Packing House
- Seafood and Fish Processing Operation
- Large Scale Cattle Ranching
- Value Added Diary Products
- Large Scale Pig Rearing
- Large Scale Farming- Fruits and Vegetable, Etc.
- Expanded Poultry Rearing
- Value Added Coconut Processing
- Dairy Operation
- Production (Cheese, Yogurt etc.)
- Canning and Packaging of Fruits and Vegetables
- Packaging Facilities for Food and other exports
- Corn and Soya Bean Production
- Certified Organic Farms
Opportunities Overview
- Guyana is located in the northern corner of South America.
- It is the only English-Speaking Country in South America.
- 83,000 square miles (215,000 sq. km)
Coastline 430 kilometers. - Climate between 25°C and 29°C.
- 80% pristine, intact rainforest cover.
- Approximately 737,718 with a diverse culture of six (6) different ethnicities
90% of the population lives on the coast leaving the country’s lush interior untouched. - Rainy Season (May-June, Nov-Jan)
Dry/Hot Season (July-October). - Hurricane Free
- 40% of Guyana’s land is available to investors.
- Agriculture contributes 27.1% to non-oil GDP.
- Trade – 22.5% (US$352.6 M) of export earnings come from agriculture [2019] Earnings from exports.
- Rice – US$ 222.7 M.
- Fish – US$ 89.4M.
- Sugar – US$ 27.8.
- Non-Traditional Agricultural Produce – US$ 12.3 M.
- Employment – 12.1% of the Relative Share of Total Employed Population is in Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Labor Force Survey Q1 2020).

Opportunities Overview
- The low coastal plain is flat, highly fertile, and below sea level. The well–established drainage and irrigation system supports the cultivation of rice, sugar cane, fruits and vegetables, dairy and beef production.
- The Hilly Sand and Clay region includes the immediate savannahs of large areas of brown, well-drained soils, which is good for beef, milk, citrus, corn, cashew nuts, legumes, peanuts, soybeans, dairy products, and orchard crops.
- Abundance of land with fresh water supply.
- Political will/ business-friendly environment from the Government.
- Guyana’s climate is very stable in that it is not in the hurricane and earthquake zones.
- Fastest growing economy
- Resource rich country
- Multi-sector opportunities
- Low operation costs
- Ideal location to access global markets
- Attractive Fiscal incentives for investments