Invest in Forestry Sector
Opportunities Overview
- 3 M hectares; 87 % of Guyana’s land area.
- Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) – Established 1979.
- State forest estate- 12.5 M hectares.
- Allocated forest- 5.3 M hectares (42.4 %).
- Contribution to GDP- approx. 3% as a raw material.
- Employment- average of 20,000 persons.
- 2021 Estimated Production- 340,000m³
- 2021 Estimated Exports- USD 32M.

Opportunities Overview
Guyana’s landmass is predominantly covered by forest. Close to 87% of Guyana’s landmass is covered with Pristine Forest. The State Forest Estate is approximately 12.5 million hectares rich in biodiversity. The forest provides a broad range of services that are not limited to, but includes timber production and environmental services. Potential Investment Opportunities for 2022 within the Forestry Sector as follows:
- Investment in Large and Medium Scale Logging in Primary Extraction. There are available forest areas to support investment in a large and medium scale logging and primary extraction.
- Currently over two million hectares of State Forest are under lease to existing large operators. Opportunities exist to enter into joint venture with existing operators to allow for technology transfer, capitalization and new business model.
- Development of a consolidated stock yard facility. The aim is to ensure a ready supply of raw materials along the value chain. The facility will serve as a supply hub for raw materials.
- Investment in Value Added and Down Stream Processing. The central focus of the Government is to promote value adding in the forestry sector. Opportunities exist to setup processing facilities where raw materials can be purchase from existing operators and process into a range of value-added products such as lumber, kiln dried lumber, furniture, flooring, plywood among others.
- Investment in Logistics Services. The Forestry Sector requires utilization of heavy-duty machinery and equipment and also requires multiple services along the production chain such as transportation, barging, loading, harvesting etc.
- Environmental Services in the area of Reclamation/Reforestation.
- The sector is heavily capitalized, there is an opportunity for investment in the area of developmental finance