Invest in Services Sector
Opportunities Overview
- Teaching Hospitals
- Financial Institutions/ Banks
- International Universities
- International Business Parks
- Specialize Medical Centres/ Tele-medicine and Laboratories
- Sanitation and Water Treatment Infrastructure
- Storage and Warehousing Operations
- Shipping and Logistics
- Air Cargo (for fresh and Frozen Produce)
- Laundromats and cleaning services (especially for the Tourism and the Services Industry)
- Conference Facilities
- Recycling Plant
- Internationally accredited Training Facilities

Opportunities Overview
- Growth in the services sector in 2021 was estimated at 11.9 percent and is projected to expand by 3.8 percent in 2022.
- Construction industry is targeted to grow by 10.5 percent in 2022.
- Wholesale and retail trade and repairs are expected to grow by 6.5 percent.
- Transport and storage services are projected to grow by 7.8 percent.
- Financial and insurance activities are anticipated to grow by 3.9 percent.
- Administrative and support services are projected to grow by 2.5 percent.
- Real estate activities are estimated to grow by 2.3 percent.